Monday, September 14, 2009

Though Midnight for American Culture, It's Not Too Late for Answered Prayers

This morning Quint Coppi, Dick Loneman, and Claire and I were praying and sidewalk counseling outside the seedy Bellevue abortion mill where Leroy Carhart routinely kills preborn children.

In addition to the banner I unfurl ("Mom, We Care for You and Your Baby"), I carry a large sign that shows a beautiful baby with the word "Life" emblazoned across the top. It is, I believe, the same sign that pro-life activist Jim Poullion was using when he was gunned down last Friday in Michigan.

But unlike the days following the murder of abortionist George Tiller last spring, representatives of the media had not contacted us for a reaction to the killing of Mr. Poullion. In fact, I didn't see even a brief reference to the slaying in the traditional press.

Nor was there a statement from the U.S. President decrying such a senseless act of violence (as was immediately released by the White House following the Tiller killing) nor were there press releases from abortion groups expressing sorrow and distancing themselves from this crazed shooter in Michigan. (Although there were news reports describing Lori Lamerand, the president of Planned Parenthood in East Central Michigan, as worrying that anti-abortionists might now “decide it’s time to retaliate.”)

Federal marshals were quick to show up to guard abortionists all over the country after the Tiller shooting and, in some cases, to guard them for several weeks.

But there were no federal marshals sent to protect sidewalk counselors. We didn't even have a local cop show up this morning.

These are dramatic contrasts indeed yet such is the uneven playing field in politics and media coverage when it comes to abortion. We certainly didn't expect anything different this morning.

But there was something that happened at that abortion mill this morning which really does rate as newsworthy. But you won't hear about it anywhere except this particular organ of the alternative media.

And that momentous event?

A young mother decided against having the abortion she was scheduled to undergo.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for answered prayers. Thank You for saving this young woman (as well as her husband) from having to live with such a horrendous act on their conscience. Thank You for sparing this precious child's life. May this baby be protected; may they receive Your Son as Savior at an early age and devote their life to Your service.

And thank You, Father, for encouraging us so profoundly with this miracle of deliverance. Even as our hearts were heavy with grief at the terrible murder of Jim Poullion and the ongoing blindness of our culture to its slide into decadence, You rekindled our hope and confidence and resolve. Thank You.