“When Jim Pouillon was gunned down, he was holding a large photo of Jeremiah Trewhella taken when he was only four weeks old. Jeremiah’s father, Pastor Matt Trewhella, leader of Missionaries to the Preborn, with whom Jim joined in their pro-life tour last month, stated that this was not graphic. For news agencies, like the Detroit News, to call the picture of a little baby boy “a controversial anti-abortion display “ either shows how unreliable leftist articles are or it shows a disdain for the babies pro-lifers try to protect.
“Along with other pro-lifers from around the country, I participated in press conference held by the Florida Personhood Movement shortly after noon at the state capitol building in Tallahassee. There was plenty of news coverage. Not one reporter asked for comments concerning the murder of a pro-lifer and another man. I believe that if an abortionist and someone else had been shot, it would have the first question coming from the reporters. They probably would have asked did we believe that this would set the anti-abortion movement back. So, I will ask the obvious question that they are too ashamed to ask: “Won’t this set the anti-life movement back?”