Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Difference Between a Liar and a Jackass Turns Out to be Political

President Barack Obama is overheard calling Kanye West a jackass. Joe Wilson shouts out at a joint session of Congress that President Obama lies.

Both are true statements.

But, in the latter case, Wilson is roundly thrashed by the media, called a racist by Jimmy Carter, and is formally censured by the Democrat-controlled Congress.

But, in Obama's case, the put down was heard by ABC News and "twittered around" to colleagues. It wasn't reported on the air, mind you, only shared in-house. Nevertheless, the incident leaked out.

So what did ABC do? Why, it apologized to the President. "The network said some of its employees had overheard a conversation between the president and CNBC's John Harwood and didn't realize it was considered off the record. The network apologized to the White House and CNBC."

Different strokes for different folks, I guess...depending upon their politics.

I mean, can you imagine ABC News overhearing a similar kind of comment from George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan and trying to keep a lid on it because it was "off the record?" And then when it slipped out anyhow, apologizing to them? Of course you can't because the historical record proves otherwise.

But this is Barack Obama we're talking about -- The Democrat Dream. The Media's Man.

And he knows it too. After he made the jackass comment, AP writer David Bauder says, "The president seems to quickly realize he may have gone too far, and jovially appeals to those assembled that the remark be kept private. 'Come on guys,' he says. 'Cut the president some slack. I've got a lot of other stuff on my plate.'"

And they did.

Like I said, different strokes for different folks.