Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Despite the Best Efforts of the New York Times, News Is Uncovered & Reported

If you can believe it, the New York Times is getting worse when it comes to their liberal bias, a bias so strong and irresponsible that the newspaper not only misrepresents important news stories, they absolutely refuse to cover stories at all if they run contrary to their ideological agenda.

Byron York reminds us of a few of those truly momentous events of recent history that the Times ("All the news that's fit to print") deliberately ignored. Those stories include Reverend Wright's profane and anti-American sermons, John Edwards' mistress/paternity/cover-up story, and now the Van Jones matter.

York does a good job reviewing these issues but ends his Washington Examiner article with the hopeful reminder of how powerful the alternative media has become -- simply because it engages in "old school" reporting; namely, it chases down stories and tells them to the world.

Writes York, "There was a day, not too long ago, when the Times and other influential news organizations could kill a story -- could deny the bad guys a win -- simply by ignoring it. Sometimes they still try. But it just won't work anymore."