An NHS leaflet being distributed nationally to schools and youth workers is telling school pupils that they have a “right” to an enjoyable sex life and that regular intercourse (“What about twice a week?”) is good for their cardiovascular health.
The leaflet, drawn up by Sheffield Primary Care Trust, is entitled Pleasure. It is intended to update sex education by telling pupils about the benefits of sexual pleasure. It uses the slogan “an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away.”
Critics said distributing it to schools was “crazy,” “incredible” and “unbelievable.” Family campaigners said the leaflet encouraged under-age sex.
Steve Slack, director of the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health at NHS Sheffield, who was involved in writing the leaflet, said it could encourage young people to delay losing their virginity until they are sure they will enjoy the experience.
Said Peter Bradley, deputy director of the children’s charity Kidscape: “Parts of the leaflet provide young people with ridiculous, irresponsible advice. If the professional messages don’t change, how can we expect young people‘s sexual activity to change?”
Dr Trevor Stammers, of Family and Youth Concern, said the leaflet would encourage risky behaviour and an increase in sexually transmitted diseases. “I’d like to know what scientific evidence there is to back this up. There are an awful lot of overpaid and under-occupied health promotion officers around who are obsessed with sex.” Inciting under-age sex, he said, was “nothing less than encouraging child abuse.”