Thursday, September 17, 2009


Apparently it's not just ABC anchorman Charlie Gibson who is guilty of criminal ignorance about ACORN and the Senate's action to turn the cash spigot off.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said yesterday she is clueless about an amendment to prohibit government funds for embattled ACORN, although it overwhelmingly passed the Senate Monday and the White House is calling for the group to be held accountable. "I don't even know what they passed," Pelosi told The Post yesterday. "What did they do? They defunded it?"...

The issue now goes to a House-Senate conference committee for a spending bill. Its fate is up to Democratic leaders, particularly Pelosi, since the House passed no such provision.

Some fellow lawmakers were surprised that Pelosi wasn't following the issue.
"I think that she's not focused on the issue of corruption," said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who has been hammering ACORN.

(Geoff Earle and Daphne Retter, New York Post)