Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Reducing Carbon Footprints -- By Reducing Foots!

Calling Thomas Malthus, Paul Ehrlich and Margaret Sanger. Your ideas about overpopulation have proven to be unscientific and even quite absurd. But, hey; what do facts have to do with pantheistic political correctness anyway?

LiveScience gives a cheer for an old idea wrapped in new jargon.

For people who are looking for ways to reduce their "carbon footprint," here's one radical idea that could have a big long-term impact, some scientists say: Have fewer kids.

A study by statisticians at Oregon State University concluded that in the United States, the carbon legacy and greenhouse gas impact of an extra child is almost 20 times more important than some of the other environment-friendly practices people might employ during their entire lives - things like driving a high mileage car, recycling, or using energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs...