Monday, August 03, 2009

Planned Parenthoods of Nebraska and Iowa to Merge

Planned Parenthood gets a puff piece from the Omaha World Herald (no surprise there) in its story about the merger of the Nebraska and Iowa affiliate offices.

But no matter how you try and sell it, killing preborn boys and girls for profit is a heinous, inhumane and completely unwarranted act. Abortion is painful, shameful and destructive of not just an individual's life but a culture's sense of compassion.

Abortion is so wantonly cruel that it needs a constant cover of deception and lies for justification. Thus, Planned Parenthood's primary agenda is to suppress the facts about abortion.

They fight against informed consent laws of every kind. They fight against parental consent and even notification. They fight against waiting periods. They fight against abortion clients having access to ultrasounds and anything else that might give an abortion client pause.

Planned Parenthood fights against pro-life sidewalk counselors and pro-life pregnancy aid services. They fight against health regulations (and their proper enforcement) concerning abortion facilities. They even fight against laws requiring them to notify authorities when statutory rape has occurred because such laws interfere with their promotion of abortion services to minors.

Planned Parenthood fights against any and all restrictions of abortion. They fight even against conscience clauses, against limitations of tax monies going to fund abortion here and overseas, against warnings of the connection between abortion and breast cancer, against sex education programs that do not promote contraception and abortion, and even against the truths regarding post-abortion syndrome.

Planned Parenthood is a fighting organization...and very wicked one.

Will you fight back against it? If the answer is yes, Vital Signs Ministries could certainly use your help in the battle as could other friends whose work we heartily endorse including Nebraska Right to Life, Stop Planned Parenthood, Family Research Council, Jill Stanek, Generations for Life, and several other pro-life organizations. Thanks.