I am glad, however, that my uncle never had to see these times.
Sure, Orville had to work hard all his life and knew his share of tribulations and trials. He had also experienced natural disasters and grave national crises like the Great Depression and World War II. But he certainly never saw times when American tax dollars were used to kill unborn boys and girls. He never lived in times when the most extreme sexual deviancy was glorified in “family” TV shows and even in the White House as an American President officially designated July the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month. Uncle Orville never saw that same chief executive bow to our nation’s enemies (literally as well as figuratively), promote the most audacious (and unconstitutional) socialist programs, or proudly boast that America is not a Christian nation.
No, I’m glad Uncle Orville didn’t have to endure those things. I'm also pleased that “the times he'd seen” didn't include the weirdly adulatory funeral of Michael Jackson or the induction into the U.S. Senate of a carnal clown like Al Franken. And I'm really thankful that my uncle, a devoutly Christian man, didn't have to suffer the indignities of radio and TV ads for prophylactics, sexual dysfunction drugs, laboratories which can determine from someone’s underwear whether your significant other is being “significant” with someone else, and STD treatments which admittedly don’t cure anything...but do help mask the outbreaks so that others can’t tell you're passing it on to them!
“Lord, Lord; the times that I’ve seen!” And it looks like there are uglier, more coarse, more evil times on the way...
Read the rest of the July LifeSharer letter right here.