Monday, July 20, 2009

Air Quality Improvement Project Shut Down by "Radical Green" Court. Over 1,000 Lose Jobs

You just can't please these least not until we turn over the planet to the bugs.

Check out this excerpt from the Chevron press release:

Richmond, Calif., July 13, 2009 –Chevron’s Richmond Refinery management today announced that it has stopped all work on a refinery upgrade and modernization project that would have replaced old equipment with newer, cleaner technology.

More than one thousand construction workers are without jobs as a result of the stoppage which was ordered by the Contra Costa County Superior Court on July 1, 2009. The decision was made in response to a request for a work stoppage order by Communities for a Better Environment, the West County Toxics Coalition and the Asian Pacific Environmental Network.

“While Chevron disagrees with the Court’s decision, we are complying with Court’s order made at the plaintiffs’ request and have stopped all work on the project,” said refinery manager Mike Coyle. “More than one thousand people are now out of work..."

Added Coyle, “It is painful to be forced to tell people they don’t have jobs to support their families during these tough economic times. The Renewal Project would have created up to 2,000 construction jobs and pumped millions of dollars into the local economy. It is unfortunate that activists have worked so hard to misrepresent and stop a project that delivers significant environmental benefits.”

Environmental consultants hired by the City of Richmond conducted an extensive environmental review over nearly four years. The review concluded that the project would have improved air quality in Richmond. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District concurred with the environmental findings and approved construction of the improvements...

Chevron plans an expedited appeal of the ruling but will stop construction of the project. The future of the project remains in question until an appeals court can decide the issue.