Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Cult of Barack

In a world gone wacky, I appreciate more than ever the clear thinking, sound advice and direct writing of such people as Victor Davis Hanson, Chuck Colson, Mark Steyn, Michelle Malkin, Randy Alcorn, Tony Perkins, Conn Carroll...and, of course, David Limbaugh.

Excuse my mastery of the obvious, but I have to believe the greatest obstacle to America's return to policy sanity is the electorate's cultish adoration of Barack Obama.

If it weren't for this disturbing phenomenon -- not to discount a healthy dose of blind partisanship -- it is inconceivable that the majority of people would tolerate Obama's dismantling of America's free market system, his returning America to a pre-9/11 mindset against terrorists, his increasing usurpations of power, and his corrupt ties and practices, from the public funding of ACORN to the summary dismissal of the case against the Black Panthers to his firing of inspector general Gerald Walpin apparently for uncovering corruption by Obama's friends.

I don't quite understand how people, especially religious people, can place their trust for salvation in a fellow mortal, but history shows they do, and present-day America shows they are. From MSNBC's Chris Matthews' admitting Obama sends a thrill up his leg to audience members' fainting at his speeches to young girls' kissing his statue like brainless bookends, the trend continues unabated.

Even some not entranced by his supposed charisma are indirectly affected by it, evidenced by their unbounded willingness to give him the benefit of every doubt. They are impervious to his narcissism, indifferent to his megalomaniacal pursuit of power, ceaselessly forgiving of his childish scapegoating of the previous administration, and oblivious to his extremism.

The mainstream media are his biggest institutional enablers, drooling over his every utterance, irrespective of his many contradictions, his assaults on the Constitution and our liberties, and his spate of broken promises.

...Cultish attraction destroys logic, reason and sound judgment.

Nor can rational thought explain the serial applauses from Obama's American Medical Association audience as he told them he is going to place the square peg of socialized medicine into the round hole of improving quality and decreasing costs -- all without diminishing patient choice or physician authority.

Then consider the American Jewish community, which still overwhelmingly supports Obama despite his egregious displays of disrespect toward Israel, its history, its moral position and its fundamental right to national defense. And there are large segments of the Christian community -- Catholic and evangelical -- that either lie to themselves about Obama's depraved, militant position in supporting even partial-birth abortion or compartmentalize it into artificial irrelevance.

And how about rank-and-file Democrats who consider themselves fiscally conservative? Partisan loyalties notwithstanding, how can they sit by idly as they watch Obama's spending horror show unfold? How can they delude themselves into believing this obscene and insane spending -- guaranteed to financially, and maybe politically, enslave our children -- can ever be justified?

At some point, the spell will dissipate. The question is whether that will happen in time to prevent irreversible damage to this nation.