Thursday, May 14, 2009

Notre Dame Prez Is on Board of Pro-Abortion, Pro-Contraception Organization.

You gotta' be kidding, right?

No, it's too true. Fr. John Jenkins, the President of Notre Dame University, also sits on the board of directors of Millennium Promise, an anti-poverty organization that openly promotes contraceptives and even abortion.

...A Millennium Villages handbook explains that "family planning and contraception services are critical to allow women to choose family size and birth spacing, to combat sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection, and contribute to the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality."

It continues to explain that, "Services include: (1) Counseling; (2) Male and female condoms; (3) Pharmacologic contraceptives including oral, transdermal, intramuscular, and implanted methods; and (4) IUDs."

The handbook continues with an encouragement for "safe" abortion: "In countries where abortion is legal, safe abortion services in controlled settings by skilled practitioners should be established."...

Read more right here.