Friday, April 17, 2009

Yet More Revelations of Money Ties Between Abortionist and HHS Secretary Nominee Surface

As Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D-Kans.) works to regain the trust of the Senate Finance Committee after she failed to disclose $23,000 in contributions from late-term abortionist George Tiller and his abortion clinic, there was another revelation this week showing there was even more "blood" money that helped her secure the Governor's Mansion.

FRC obtained a copy of a 2002 fundraising letter from George Tiller, in which he claims that he personally contributed $200,000 to ProKanDo, a political action committee (PAC) dedicated to defeating Gov. Sebelius's pro-life opponent. By-the-way, ProKanDo spent over $271,000 aiding Sebelius's bid for governor, making it the largest PAC in Kansas. This new information shows--not just a casual acquaintance with the darkest side of the abortion industry (as Gov. Sebelius would like Senators to believe)--but a deep alliance with Tiller.

This week's revelations follow Sebelius's previous admission of tax problems. Her track record before the Senate is inviting serious questions about her integrity. Now Americans are left wondering--what else is hiding in her closet? What other political contributions may have influenced her decisions as governor? She pocketed money from one of the most infamous abortion clinics in the nation, after which she vetoed legislation that would have required that same clinic and others like it to meet minimal safety standards. This appears to be a deadly political payback, one that compromises her ability to carry out her duties as head of the federal government's largest agency.

HHS addresses every facet of Americans' health and well-being. If we can't trust Governor Sebelius to be open and honest about her cash connections, how can we trust her to administer and improve our health system?

From the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (FRC's Washington Update, April 16)