Friday, April 03, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius Sails Through. Republicans Don't Even Bring Up Abortion.

Okay, somebody remind me. Aren't the Republicans supposed to be the party that cares about critical moral issues like the sanctity of human life? Isn't that what Michael Steele and the RNC tell us in their fund-raising appeals? Isn't that what the Republican lawmakers themselves tell us when they're back home looking for our votes?

Yeah, I thought so.

So how do you figure a radical pro-abort Governor, a gal who has manipulated the legal system in Kansas to keep her friend (notorious late-term abortionist, George Tiller) out of jail, sails through her Senate confirmation hearings to become the Secretary of Health and Human Services without the Republicans even bringing up abortion at all?

Shameful. Utterly irresponsible, hypocritical and shameful.

Those Republicans on the Finance Committee that simply waved Kathleen Sebelius through (they didn't even bring up her evading taxes, for crying out loud) were Grassley of Iowa, Hatch of Utah, Snowe of Maine, Kyl of Arizona, Bunning of Kentucky, Crapo of Indiana, Roberts of Kansas, Ensign of Nevada, Enzi of Wyoming and Cornyn of Texas. You might want to zip these folks a line, particularly the ones who've promised that they'll be in Washington fighting for you against the barbarity of abortion. Just ask them, "Where were you? How dare you claim to be a voice for the voiceless when you keep quiet (or don't even show up) in the most relevant and crucial of situations?"