Friday, April 24, 2009

Have You Signed the Petition Yet?

Yesterday afternoon Claire and I took a few minutes to look through the names who have signed the Nebraska Coalition for Life petition that I've promoted here on Vital Signs Blog, first with "Fight Back Against Bad Science. Fight Back Against Obama's ESCR Policies" on March 11 and then with added vigor a couple of days ago, "NU Regents Balk at ESCR Decision. It's Time for Us To Make Our Move."

I was pleased to see many of my friends' names on that petition, including a lot who had just signed up in response to my latest appeal. Way to go, guys.

It's a very important statement, one that quite realistically could make the difference between UNMC creating human embryos for destruction (in the vaunted name of science) or convincing the University Regents that Nebraskans so strongly oppose such immoral and counter-productive policies that they will go no further than the limitations set by the Bush administration.

Again, you can read the petition (and sign on) right here.

And remember, the online petition allows only one person's name to be registered at an e-mail address. So, if your spouse or adult children want to sign the petition, they have to use one of your alternate e-mail addresses (if you have them) OR they have to call or write Nebraska Coalition for Ethical Research. Just e-mail them at or call them by telephone at 402-690-2299 and say "Hey. I'm ----- and I'd like my name on the NCER petition against embryonic stem cell research."

Now you realize, of course, that for all the friends we did see that had signed the NCER petition, we were all too aware of way too many that hadn't signed. So, c'mon; before it's too late to register your opinion, please sign up.

We'll be looking for your name this weekend.