Friday, April 10, 2009

For Your Weekend Reading

* Don't miss Humberto Fontova's "Congressional Black Caucus Smitten With Castro" article in American Thinker.

* The same goes for Melanie Phillips' Spectator article, "The Hand of Appeasement."

* Good local news #1 -- Nebraska's ultrasound law has advanced to a full debate by the Unicameral. (For more about this law, see these previous Vital Signs posts: 1, 2, especially 3 and 4)

* Good local news # 2 -- The day after the Omaha primary, former mayoral candidate Jim Vokal announced his endorsement of Hal Daub for mayor. Vokal had garnered a hefty 28% of the primary vote himself (compared to Daub's 36% and Jim Suttle's 34%). So this is an encouraging sign to the Daub campaign. But the turnout is everything and the race promises to be very, very tight.

* Armstrong Williams superb column in the Washington Times about Barack Obama's "suboptimal showing abroad." (The first paragraph? "President Obama returns this week from his whirlwind "It's good to be me" tour through continental Europe and Asia. Many here stateside are beginning to whisper that Mr. Obama is the most arrogant leader this country has seen in a generation. He holds Americans and the Constitution in utter contempt." You gotta' read the rest.)

* The Chicago Tribune published an AP report headlined, "Congressional Estimate: Ethanol Could Cost Government $900 million on Nutrition Programs"

* Conn Carroll's brief post at the Foundry, "Obama Plan to Negotiate with Iran Already Paying Dividend -- to Iran"