But I wasn't prepared for just how compelling The Terri Schiavo Story would be.
It is truly an excellent and very important film, one that I recommend for churches, Sunday Schools, pro-life groups, or even families and small group home showings like the one we hosted last night.
Crowding into our living room were Allen and Cindy Nelson, Gary Matter, Keith and Carol Moran, Matt and Laura Troutman (and baby Luke), Quint Coppi, Jerry Kraus, Chet Thomas, and Claire and I. And, though the experience of reliving the horrors Terri endured was quite difficult, no one in the room had anything but high praise for the quality of the film, the superb ways in which the pro-life argument was presented, the passionate commentary by Joni, and the revelations about the situation that never broke through to the public.
Please, don't let Terri Schindler Schiavo be forgotten. And don't let the lessons which desperately need to be learned from her tragedy go without serious application. Already from our showing last night, there were a couple of decisions made to show it in other venues, including the monthly movie night at Faith Bible Church. You can become a part of the movement too. Just order The Terri Schiavo Story for under $20 right here.