Friday, April 03, 2009

Alternative Gifts for the Queen

Sorry, but if you hadn't already entered the Heritage Foundation's contest for suggesting better gifts than the absurd, egotistical one Obama actually did give to Queen Elizabeth II (an iPod with some show tunes and Obama's own speeches), it's too late.

But it's not too late to chuckle (and sigh) over some of the excellent entries that came from clever Heritage Foundation fans.

They ended up picking two winners: one for the serious suggestions they received and a second for the humorous ones which, hardly surprising, were in the majority.

The "really thoughtful winner" -- “The Smithsonian has the original plaster molds of Abraham Lincoln’s hands from the day after his inauguration – customary at the time. The right hand is swollen from all his handshakes and is demonstrated in the casting. I suggest a mounted bronze copy of the pair of hands as the gift. It would be a reminder of the courage of leadership which the Queen and England has demonstrated as well as a reminder of the freedoms fought and died for.”

And "the really funny winner" -- “President Obama could give the Queen GM since he has already given the Italians Chrysler.”

Among the honorable mentions? Apparently there were several who suggested Obama give the Queen the U.S. Constitution (since we're not using it anymore) and one wry woman who thought he could have given the Queen an invitation to all of the tea parties we’re having over here now!