Monday, March 09, 2009

The Reason Behind Obama's Chintzy Diplomacy? He Was Tired, Poor Thing.

Barack Obama loves to spend other people's money. He is, after all, a Democrat. But Obama is more generous with your dough than even the Kennedyesque spenders of the past few decades. In fact, he's so busy shoveling out the billions over this past month that he's exhausted. Poor thing.

The Sunday Telegraph (U.K.) quotes "one of Mr Obama's most prominent African American backers, whose endorsement he spent two years cultivating" as explaining the new president's flaw is over-confidence that he can manage "the flood of things" coming at him.

He said that on several occasions the president has had to hurry back from eating dinner with his family in the residence and then tucking his daughters in to bed, to conduct urgent government business. Matters are not helped by the pledge to give up smoking. "People say he looks tired more often than they're used to," the strategist said. "He's still calm, but there have been flashes of irritation when he thinks he's being pushed to make a decision sooner than he wants to make it. He looks like he needs a cigarette."

But was it really not having a smoke that was behind Obama's unbelievably chintzy, disrespectful gifts to the visiting Prime Minister of Great Britain?

That's what his aides are saying, trying to calm down a storm of resentment that has erupted in the U.K. (not to mention the storm of embarrassment for red-faced Americans at the way a visiting head of state of such an important ally was treated).

For the details of just how remarkably stupid were the Obama's gifts to Brown, check out this Power Line post.