Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One Baby Effectively Designed -- But How Many Were Sacrificed in the Process?

Chelsea Zimmerman briefly comments here on the claims of British scientists to have created a "designer baby" -- a person completely free from contracting certain cancers. Chelsea provides appropriate links to pursue the story but adds a few important insights of her own.

...This was not the result of any cure, mind you, but of Darwin’s lesser known discovery, the process of “un”natural selection. That is, the parents had multiple embryos created in a laboratory via IVF and only implanted those who did not test positive for the BRCA-1 gene which is linked to breast and ovarian cancer. There is no word in the article as to what ultimately became of the other embryos who tested positive for maybe, one day, possibly being diagnosed with the cancers, but there are only two options. Either they remain frozen in a fertility clinic or they have been destroyed and tossed in the garbage - unfortunate casualties to this new process of evolution.

Again, it is certainly understandable, even desirable, to try to eradicate disease and prevent human suffering if we can, but this crosses the line of ethics and human dignity. Thomas Peters says it all: "Prune disease out all you want, but for heaven’s sake, we’re talking about pruning people out here!"