Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Can the G.O.P. Ever Again Be the Party of Conservatives?

Writer L.D. Anderson, like many of us, has had it up to the proverbial "here" with a Republican party that demands the money and get-out-the-vote efforts of conservatives but then goes on its merry way to sit on the back benches or even to cuddle up to the most astoundingly liberal programs.

It is a maddening experience to be had. Especially when it's been done to you over and over again.

So, what does a true conservative do? Learn to coexist like so many of the G.O.P. politicos? Jump ship to a principled (but powerless) third party?

Or is their another way?

Anderson believes so and in this feisty American Thinker article, he spells out 5 steps which conservatives must take if they want to reclaim their party. It's very good reading. And, for that matter, it's an excellent article to e-mail around to your friends, your family...and your kinda' conservative Republicans in Congress.