Thursday, December 04, 2008

What's Left After Abortion? Shame, Pain and Anguish

Sharon Slater from Family Watch International reports two new academic studies showing links between mental health problems and abortion. Such reports, as you know, are quite common and underscore what we know to be true as routinely reported by clergy, crisis pregnancy center staff, mental health workers, and thousands of men and women whose lives have been deeply scarred by abortion.

"The first study done by researchers from Bowling Green State University found that women who undergo an abortion experience an increase in a variety of negative mental health issues including anxiety, depression and substance abuse. The increase in alcohol abuse was found to be a staggering 145 percent. The second study by researchers in New Zealand revealed similar findings. Both studies refute the report from the American Psychiatric Association last August that claimed that abortion causes no increase in mental health issues for women. Read more about the Bowling Green study here. Read more about the New Zealand study here."