Monday, December 15, 2008

The Media's "Double Standard" -- That's No Longer a Strong Enough Denunciation

It's not just in election coverage that the double standards of the mainstream media are utilized. In fact, even the term "double standard" is hardly strong enough to describe the media's games. Here's a few examples just from this weekend.

* completely misrepresenting the facts in order to push an ideological agenda (i.e. this A.P. reporter hyperventilating about humankind about to become extinct because of global warming);

* giving Democrats a free ride when it comes to corruption, sex scandals and broken promises (i.e., the 60 Minutes puff piece last night describing the scandalous homosexual Barney Frank as "the smartest man in Washington;" the failure to pursue illegal contributions to Democrat candidates; and NBC characterizing Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's incredible corruption as simply his falling victim to history");

* failing to pursue positive stories involving Republicans (i.e., refusing to give credit where it is due for the calm, self-deprecating and agile response of President Bush to a scary attack on him by an Arab Muslim in Baghdad. Instead, most MSM coverage has skipped quickly over the President's composure in order to get to a venting of why the attacker was so ticked at Bush and how he is a hero today in the Arab world.);

* failing to headline stories because they might invoke suspicion of the Left or otherwise inspire sympathy for conservatives (i.e., the remarkably under-reported arson attack on the church Sarah Palin attends, an attack involving not only a million dollars in damages but which was set when people were in the building.);

* preferring liberal voices over conservative ones, even to the point of outright censorship (i.e., the NY Times still smugly defending its refusal to print a John McCain op/ed piece during the election season even though it had opened its editorial pages the week earlier for Barack Obama and even though it saw fit this weekend to give editorial space to a lengthy op/ed piece by unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.)

Imagine. If it was a noted liberal's church which had been sent up in flames, every network anchor would be reporting from the spot. If it were a Democrat politician who showed President Bush's cool at the podium, it would become the stuff of legend. If it were facts that really mattered to the MSM they'd be telling the American people the real story about climate change and the way the "manufactured crisis" is being exploited for political purposes.

But the way things are, I guess that's all we can do...imagine.