I was thrilled (as I always am) to read the latest in the ongoing adventures of my old buddy, Tom Beatty, jail chaplain and Director of New Life Corrections Ministry in Aurora, Illinois. I have a hunch you'll appreciate reading this article from his newsletter too.
A few months ago, I visited Staff Chaplain George Adamson at the Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet. He gave me the “grand tour,” during which he showed me the “NRC Unit” in which 1600-1800 inmates are housed. Here, all the men from northern Illinois who are sentenced to the Illinois Department of Corrections, spend 3-6 weeks while they’re being classified. After classification, they’re transferred to various prisons throughout Illinois. While in NRC, the men are locked down in their cells 23+ hours per day with no services available to them, with absolutely nothing to do–no televisions, no radios, nothing.
I suggested that they allow New Life Corrections to begin a “literaturedistribution” ministry to these men. They did! They allow us to take in Bibles, New Testaments, Bible Lessons (especially designed for prison inmates), tracts and teaching brochures (also especially designed for prison inmates), Christian books, magazines, and newspapers. It’s “sowing seed” in “thirsty” soil. Like a friend of mine used to say, “It’s like fishin’ in a stocked pond!”
It’s an exhausting ministry, in an oppressive crowded atmosphere. The men are housed two per cell. The cells are in three-tiered cellblocks, so it’s up-and-down lots of steps. I visit the men, going cell-to-cell. The men are glad to see a Chaplain! They more than welcome the books and magazines.
A frequent response when receiving a tract with my “before & after” pictures on it is, “Is this you?” When I assure them it is, the next question is often, “How did you change?” I understand completely. I remember wanting to change and now knowing how to change. So when I hear this question, it’s a delight to tell them how I, at age 30, first began reading the Bible and entered into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Many of the men start the Bible Lessons. I’ve used these lessons for 25 years and have seen many come to faith in Christ just completing the first lesson! There are 224 lessons in the course, so we can keep them busy for some time. And of course, they have the time. Along with this incredible opportunity is even more incredible potential! As these men are classified and then sent off to prisons all over the state, experience has shown us that the Bible Lessons are “contagious!” I expect more requests for Bible Lessons from men in prisons all over Illinois!
Along with this incredible opportunity with incredible potential come some great needs. The Aurora Gideon Camp has already committed to helping with New Testaments, but we’re going to need more. The newspapers, magazines and devotional booklets are donated. We can print the Bible Lessons and the tracts we use in-house and inexpensively, but due to the 100's of lessons and tracts we’re using, even printing inexpensively is expensive! Every day I go to the Stateville Prison (Tuesdays and hopefully Fridays also), it costs nearly $65. So, I need some help! Would you please consider sponsoring a day’s ministry supplies? Or, if $65 is just a bit much to handle right now, would you please consider sponsoring the costs of supplying all 224 lessons for one person – about $11.00.
We’ll also need Bible Lesson Graders and prayer warriors for the inmates and please pray for me, too, as I meet the men and give them literature and Bible Lessons. If you’d like more information about this exciting ministry, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Chaplain Tom, at 630-723-exciting ministry, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Chaplain Tom at tbeatty@waysidecross.