Friday, December 05, 2008

Happy Holidays: Washington State Celebrates Christmas, Hanukkah and the Hatred of Religion

The liberal minds represented by the Seattle Times' editors believe that the state of Washington has "hit on the right approach" in dealing with the war on Christmas; namely, to include on the Capitol grounds a Nativity scene, a menorah...and a huge sign from the Freedom From Religion Foundation that reads: "Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

What a pleasant, heartwarming holiday display. Be sure to take the kids.

This, of course, is what weirdly passes for tolerance nowadays, not to mention the deliberate distortion it is of America's history and traditions. Indeed, the whole show is so strangely convoluted that only politicians (and enlightened media types like the sages at the Seattle Times) would come up with it.

The War on Christmas 2008 is well underway.