Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Is Shady Foreign Money Buying the Election?

While looking for something to read on a long trans-Atlantic flight Monday, I couldn't help but notice that the "foreign" section of the Paris bookstore was dominated by gushingly ga-ga works about Barack Obama. It was just another illustration of how the world wants Obama --- bad. After all, in him they see a weaker America: more of a milquetoast in matters of freedom and justice, more of a patsy in international commerce, and more of a gullible "Sugar Daddy" in the redistribution of America's wealth to the world.

For another angle on this deeply troubling matter, please read this Investor's Business Daily editorial. Excerpts are below.

Newsmax reported last week that Sen. Barack Obama's campaign has collected "the largest pool of unidentified money that has ever flooded into the U.S. election system, before or after the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reforms of 2002."

Federal Election Commission data show that some $222 million of the cash Obama has collected came in the form of contributions of $200 or less, with the Democratic nominee's campaign identifying the donors of less than $40 million of that sum.

Campaigns may accept donations of less than $200 without providing the donors' names and addresses in campaign finance reports, but Sen. John McCain's camp has made its full donor database available on the Internet. Independent campaign finance watchdog organizations have asked the Obama campaign to list all its donors, as well, but it's refused. What is Obama hiding?...

Sixty-three listings had "UK" as the donor's location. Other locales apparently providing money for Obama included Abu Dhabi, Addis Ababa, Beijing and Fallujah, as well as France and Italy.

Obama's Web site formerly let donors choose from among every United Nations member when listing their residence. By contrast, the presidential campaign of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton actually required U.S. citizens residing abroad to fax a copy of their passport before accepting their donations. Federal law prohibits the acceptance of campaign contributions from foreign nationals.

In the summer, the head of Nigeria's stock market held a series of fundraisers believed to have collected $900,000 — ostensibly to pay for some Nigerians' attendance at the Democratic convention in Denver. A Nigerian government commission is now investigating.

Do the "Doodads," "Good Wills," "Dahsudhu Hdusahfds" and Nigerian money men form only the tip of the iceberg? The hundreds of millions this supposed "man of the people" has raised is an astonishing sum, with a large percentage coming from unknown sources.

Obama might say he doesn't know who any of these people are, so it is absurd to suggest he would be a president in the pocket of anti-American foreigners he doesn't know.

But they know him. Many foreign powers would give a fortune to install a far-left president who wants to reduce American economic and military power. All signs point to Obama being exactly that.