Friday, October 17, 2008

The Haar v Jeffers Legislative Race: Planned Parenthood's Interests Face an Impressive Challenger

I mentioned last week that Ken Haar, the husband of Planned Parenthood's Chris Funk, was running for the Nebraska Legislature. Well, I've just seen a mailing produced by Nebraska Right to Life which gives a bit more information about the guy, including a picture of Haar doing "escort duty" outside Planned Parenthood's abortion mill in Lincoln. Nice fellow, huh?

But Haar has done his "duty" by Planned Parenthood in other ways too -- like voting for Planned Parenthood to receive $74,000 from city funds! These votes came from 1991 through 1997 when he was a Lincoln City Councilman.

The postcard also informs readers that Nebraska Right to Life has endorsed Haar's opponent in the District 21 race, James Jeffers.

Jeffers is a very successful small businessman who founded and owns Quality Pork International, Lincoln Aviation Sales, and James Arthur Vineyards which is now Nebraska’s largest winery. James and his wife, Neenie (shown at right) have been married for 54 years and have 5 children, 13 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren.

Jim Jeffers has been endorsed by not only Nebraska Right to Life but also by Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman, U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, State Auditor Mike Foley, Attorney General Jon Bruning, State Senator Tony Fulton, the Lincoln Independent Business Association, and many others.