Wednesday, September 03, 2008

YouTube Censors Pro-Life Videos -- Again

A press release from Live Action Films is describing the latest examples of YouTube's unwarranted censorship of pro-life material. Specifically, YouTube has removed four videos created by Live Action Films, the pro-life student organization who created a national sensation earlier this year with these same videos featuring, as they did, phone recordings of Planned Parenthood employees agreeing to process donations from a caller with a racist agenda.

YouTube didn't give advance warning to Live Action Films about blocking their videos nor have they even attempted to explain why (after 7 months and over 160,000 hits) the video clips are suddenly considered inappropriate.

It's not the first time YouTube has pulled this kind of stunt. For instance, an American Life League video criticizing a Planned Parenthood TV advertisement was removed from the site last February. You Tube claimed it was because of the clip's "inappropriate nature." Hardly. The original Planned Parenthood advertisement remained on YouTube. You Tube censored another pro-life film in the summer.

In both cases, YouTube eventually responded to criticism and restored both videos. Live Action Films is hoping they will do so in this latest case of ideological censorship as well. And your assistance could make the difference. So, for more on how to address a polite letter of complaint to YouTube along with a request for YouTube stop once and for all their unjust restrictions on pro-lifers, go to the Live Action Films website here.

And, yes, you can view there the videos which, as of right now, have been banned by YouTube.