Friday, September 12, 2008

Obama and Biden Score Badly on Earmark Spending; McCain Earns "Hero" Status.

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste has come out with its latest rankings on earmark spending by Washington politicians. Fox News reports on the findings but I'll slip in a few of the salient points right here:

John McCain: He received a 100% rating for his votes resisting earmarks in the Senate last year. He's currently at a lifetime score of 88%. That's high enough to earn McCain "hero” status to the CAGW, a nonpartisan, nonprofit group which keeps a keen eye on government spending.

Joseph Biden: Scored 0% last year. His overall score is 22%. Yes, Joe Biden loves to spend taxpayer money.

Barack Obama: He earned a 10% rating score last year. His lifetime score (yeah, he's only been there a short while) stands at 18%. Uh huh; he's a big spender too.