Thursday, September 04, 2008

Grace and Gumption: Conservative Women Are On the Move

Sarah Palin doesn't stand alone.

Here's just one example, fresh from the "Student Center" section of the Claire Booth Luce Institute's remarkable web site.

A conservative college campus may present an unexpected challenge for the conservative student: apathy. “At first, it was nice and comfortable,” says University of Dallas senior Ashley Crouch. “Everybody just went with the flow. Because of the laid back atmosphere, I was never attacked for my beliefs.”

Those beliefs – hard work, integrity, responsibility and consequences for actions, love of country and polite behavior befitting a southern girl – were simply a way of living drawn from her mother’s gentle example, strong convictions and classy presentation, and from her father’s encouragement to think independently and always stand up for what is right.

Ashley was nudged out of apathy while taking a Biology course at her hometown community college one summer. In an online discussion forum, she and her classmates were assigned to debate the question, Should our government be allowed to pass a law sanctioning the legal practice of Eugenics in our country?

“I was shocked to hear my classmates — women, all of them — answer in the affirmative,” recalls Ashley. “They argued that this would make a stronger society, because our government could prevent ‘weaker citizens’ from being born and growing up in our country.”

She made a case against Eugenics using Constitutional rights and natural progression, contending that “citizens’ rights would soon collapse under a utilitarian mentality.” Her argument garnered positive feedback from her classmates. “Even if none of those students changed her mind about Eugenics, at least they heard a rebuttal that they couldn’t ignore.”

The experience proved personally motivating as well. “It was then that I decided to truly learn what it means to be a conservative, especially a conservative woman in today’s society.”...

Learn more about Ashley Crouch, her fellow conservatives, and the terrific resources available to assist them (and you!) at the Claire Boothe Luce Institute.