Friday, September 26, 2008

Flying to Ougadougou

Because today and tomorrow are travel days (Omaha to St. Paul to New York to Paris to Ougadougou) and because I still have several things to do before taking wing, I know you'll excuse my not blogging today.

As mentioned in an earlier post, however, I will be taking along Claire's laptop and I will be endeavoring to continue the blog from Burkina Faso next week. Please "tune in" to see if I can pull it off.

The reasons for the trip I've explained in previous posts: "Preparations for Haggai Fest Well Underway," and "Vital Signs Pie Social Celebrates Upcoming Haggai Fest in Burkina Faso." And there's the "official" Haggai Fest website with more info right here. There's even a blog at that site which will probably start revealing inside stories of our mission within a couple of days.

We would, of course, appreciate any and all prayers for a safe, profound and effective time of ministry as we work to make our teaching, the services to the orphanage, the marriage seminars, and the festival itself all rousing successes for the kingdom of God. Thank you.

As my last blogging act for the day, I will gather in the Top Ten for Claire to send out later this afternoon. That's our weekly review of Vital Signs where we attempt to select the Top Ten posts of the week and email them with direct links to you. It helps cybersurfers, we are often told, to keep up to date with helpful, action-oriented updates from the culture wars -- without being overwhelmed by them.

We're pleased to hear those compliments. And we're pleased to send out the Top Ten to whoever asks us. So, if you're not on our Top Ten list, zip us a note at and we'll sign you up.