Friday, August 01, 2008

"Saving Danieal Kelly was Just Too Much Trouble."

Pro-life activists, beginning at least 30 years ago, prophesied that legalizing abortion would lead to a complete disintegration of our nation's regard for the sanctity of human life. They insisted that America could not remove protection from the most innocent and defenseless of human beings without severely damaging the respect for human life itself. Thus, abortion would lead to ever-escalating rates of infanticide, euthanasia, street violence, lethal human experimentation, and the most cruel abuses of the young, the elderly and the disabled.

If you remember, those pro-life activists were vilified by the secularists in the press and elsewhere for those predictions. They were said to be naive, biased fear-mongerers.

But the barbarities have turned out be worse than what, even in our grimmest moods, we ever imagined.

And the tragedy of Danieal Kelly is just one terrible example.

Here's the AP story about Danieal, a 14-year-old girl who was suffering from cerebal palsy -- and much worse -- from the brutality of relatives and the City of Philadelphia's Department of Health Services who let the girl die of neglect, malnutrition and mistreatment. Danieal had wasted away to a mere 42 pounds before she expired and her emaciated body was full of maggot-infested bedsores that delved to the bone.

Yesterday 9 people were charged with various crimes surrounding Danieal's death: murder, involuntary manslaughter, perjury, falsifying documents, and child endangerment. Those charged included Danieal's mother and father, three of the mother's friends, and four social workers whose inept, uncaring actions are worsened only by their dedication to cover up their crimes.

District Attorney Lynne Abraham had scathing words for the city's Department of Human Services, calling its handling of the case "callous, indifferent, unconscionable" — and all too familiar...

The report should "outrage the entire Philadelphia community" and bring about "earth-shattering, cataclysmic changes" at the Department of Human Services, Abraham said.

Abraham said that although at least 55 children have died under the agency's watch, it has given only "lip service to halfhearted corrective action."

"You can't continue to bury these children and say things are getting better when they're not," she said.