Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Playing the Race Card...Unfairly

Peter Kirsanow, writing over at NRO's The Corner, wonders if anyone in America could find reasons to oppose the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama -- and still not be be branded as a "racist."

Here's just a few of the 25 considerations that made Kirsanow's list:

* If you object to Obama raising your payroll, capital gains and estate taxes you...may be a racist.

* If you're in favor of drilling for oil and building nuclear power plants you...may be a racist.

* If your pastor is nothing like Rev. Wright or Father Pfleger you... may be a racist.

* If you don't want the majority of justices on the Supreme Court to be like Stephen Breyer you...may be a racist.

* If you're not impressed with Obama's 100% NARAL rating you...may be a racist.

* If you think the surge is working and that's a good thing you...may be a racist.

* If you think "we are the change we've been waiting for" is a line from a Monty Python skit you...may be a racist.

* If you're appalled that Obama voted against treating infants born after an abortion attempt the same medically as other infants born alive you...may be a racist.

* If you don't think rural, working class people are bitter and "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them" you...may be a racist.

Again, read the whole list here.