Friday, July 11, 2008

Is Anyone Surprised? Barack Obama Is the Preferred Candidate of Abortionists

Tony Perkins from the Family Research Council has a few reminders for those Christians who are thinking about votinfgfor Barack Obama, at least for those Christians that the mainstream media keeps telling us are going to vote for Barack Obama --

Planned Parenthood apparently has no doubts about where Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.) stands on abortion as their political arm announced their endorsement of Sen. Obama. Planned Parenthood's president Cecile Richards called him a "passionate advocate" with a "long and consistent record of standing up for" legal abortion.

In a speech Sen. Obama made to a Planned Parenthood audience last July he vowed that "the first thing I'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act." The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would effectively overturn hundreds of state laws that have put reasonable restrictions on abortion, including parental notification. FOCA would guarantee direct public funding for abortion.

Last year Planned Parenthood claimed an income of $1 billion, one-third of it from U.S. taxpayers. This for an organization whose president makes some $1 million a year in salary, whose political action arm has vowed to spend $10 million this election cycle, and which is now building high-end mega-abortion centers in many American neighborhoods. One such center just went up in Denver, Colo. and the massive facility will not only perform abortions but also serve as a political headquarters for its electioneering.

Such a taxpayer-subsidized combination of the deadly and political is possibly allowable due to Title X regulations, which regulate taxpayer funds that go to "family planning" organizations. It is well past time to stop the millions in fungible tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood each year.