Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Clueless Clooney

George Clooney is wealthy, famous and openly proud of his uproariously self-centered success. He has, for instance, forsaken marriage and kids forever. And even though he has occasional doubts (“I do begin to wonder, ‘Am I going to be relegated to these three-year relationships for the rest of my life?'"), he ironically believes that the best way to avoid ending up as a sad, lonely old man is to stay focused on obtaining all the perks he can get right now.

An uncle, also named George, deserves some credit when it comes to the actor’s “no regrets” philosophy.

“I learned a lot about death from him,” George said. “People keep on asking me, ‘Don’t you want to have kids?’ I have not wanted to have kids. Then they say, ‘Aren’t you afraid of dying alone?’ But we all die alone. I remember Uncle George sitting in bed, 68 years old. He looked at me and said, ‘What a waste.’ … I came to the conclusion that I was not going to wake up one day in my 60s and say, ‘What a waste.’ I was going to grab as much out of this life as I could.”

Doesn't it seem to you that Clooney has interpreted his uncle's dispirited angst in exactly the opposite way he should have? Thus, rather than humbly receiving the truth that Jesus explained (i.e. one must lose his life in order to find it), Clooney seems doomed to discover the force of another of the Lord's teachings, "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world (even the fame, fortune and physical pleasures that George Clooney might experience, all oh-so-fleeting), if he loses his own soul?"