Monday, May 19, 2008

Were Kamala Harris Fans the Reason for NARAL's Public Endorsement of Obama?

From the Prowler section at American Spectator comes intriguing info about why the extremist abortion group NARAL endorsed Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton. It is material you need to pass on to others who claim to be pro-life but are yet talking about supporting either Democrat in November.

One reason that the national board of NARAL, the pro-abortion lobbying organization, endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, and encouraged its state membership to do the same, was a series of behind the scenes conversations between the Obama campaign and NARAL.

"The message was, get on board or risk losing influence," says an Obama strategist. "We needed one of these [feminist or pro-abortion] groups to step up and walk away from Hillary. NARAL did it, and to its credit under great danger to its credibility with its membership."

NARAL has since been bombarded by its members with hate mail and threats of loss of donations for a perceived abandonment of Clinton. But as part of the conversation with NARAL, Obama advisers suggested that Obama was more likely to put in place key feminist and pro-abortion activists than Clinton. "The name that kept popping up was [San Francisco District Attorney] Kamala Harris
[photo at right]. The campaign promised she'd become increasingly higher profile with Obama, and the women's groups love her," says another Obama strategist.

Harris is viewed as one of the most radical local elective office holders in the country, a district attorney who has refused to seek the death penalty even against cop-killers, and who has won high praise from the homosexual and pro-abortion lobbies that have strong bases in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Harris has been mentioned for high profile jobs in an Obama Administration, with some claiming she could be a dark-horse candidate for Attorney General. "She's smart, with not a lot of experience, but given where the Senate could be [with 60 Democrats], confirmation of someone this unqualified for that important a job wouldn't be far-fetched," says a San Francisco Democratic operative. "That's one reason why the campaign wants to give her a higher profile in the coming months, to test her."