Thursday, May 01, 2008

"Rethinking Childhood" Critical as U.K. Faces Mental Health Crisis Among Youth

"Rethinking childhood is one of the most important issues facing the UK."

That's the opinion of Bob Reitemeier, chief executive of UNICEF. And, if the organization's new report is anything close to accurate, he's spot on. For that report rates U.K. kids as having one of the worst "well being" standards in Europe with over a million children suffering from ":clinically recognisable" mental disorders. Depression, anxiety, drug use, esteem, promiscuity, anorexia, crime -- these shouldn't be the stuff of childhood but, for hundreds of thousands of British kids, they apparently are.

The report argues that the mental health problems stem from pressure on youngsters to grow up too quickly. Michele Elliott, of Kidscape, agrees. "Drugs and alcohol are more readily available, and we are forcing sexual images on children from a young age when they are not ready for it."

Peter Pan, where are you when we need you?