So, I'm writing a little letter of my own and asking you to do likewise. Perhaps we can create a more respectable chorus to sing out for the cause of human rights.
Dear President Bush,
As a conservative Independent who has twice voted for you to lead our country and who has generally (often quite strongly) supported your actions in the White House, I now write to ask you to forego attendance at the Olympic Games in Beijing this summer.
I understand your concerns about supporting America's athletes and your desire to promote the traditions and goodwill of international athletic competition.
But, Mr. President, a decision to stay at home during the Olympics would, I believe, be a distinct and decisive statement for the overarching cause of human rights. After all, Communist China represents the very worst of human rights abuses and even its hosting of the Olympic Games hasn't resulted in any significant change. Indeed, the recent increases in the persecution of Christians there show just how arrogant and unyielding the Communist powers are determined to be.
And, tragically, that's not all.
For besides the longstanding, violent persecution of the Church and of political dissidents, there are to reckoned with the forced labor camps, the brutality of coercive abortion and a heinous one-child-only policy, the torture of prisoners, the numerous actions of military and industrial espionage directed at the U.S. and other Western nations, the shoddy merchandise, the barbaric selling of organs, the constant threats to Taiwan, the repression of political dissent, the recent refusal of safe haven to American ships facing dangerous storms, and China's ever-menacing militarization.
Communist China is showing no shame, no remorse on any of these matters nor are they showing any signs of genuine reform. They are exploiting the Olympic Games and, by your attendance, despite what you will say to China's leaders in private conversations, they will exploit you as well.
Please stay home.
Denny Hartford
Director, Vital Signs Ministries
Omaha, Nebraska
I'm sending copies to the Nebraska delegation too. And again, I encourage you to do the same.