Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Will McCain Dare to Expose the Weaknesses of Barack Obama or Will He "Play Nice" and Lose?

...But looking ahead, Obama will not escape scrutiny from John McCain in the general election, despite McCain's own liberal proclivities on too many issues. If I'm wrong and McCain treats Obama with kid gloves, he'll go the way of Bob Dole and Jack Kemp, who seemed to have more compliments than criticisms for Clinton and Gore in 1996...

McCain would be well advised to make Obama own his socialistic affinities -- on taxes, spending, health care and more. He should also show how radical Obama is on abortion, where he's out of step with the majority of Americans.

And no matter how uncomfortable it may be to broach the issue, McCain should make Obama answer for membership in a church whose long-time pastor's magazine lauded the overtly racist and anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan as "truly epitomiz[ing] greatness." People are missing the boat in thinking Obama's vulnerability here can be sidestepped with a semantic dodge over whether to denounce or reject Farrakhan's support.

The real question is why Obama would choose to be in a church whose leading spiritual authority holds such repugnant views. This is his pastor we're talking about, holding forth on a very important matter, not some tangential acquaintance discussing some inconsequential topic. On a related matter, Obama has explaining to do as well on his tepid support for Israel...

These are just a few of the pertinent issues perceptively raised by David Limbaugh. Read the rest right here.