Friday, March 14, 2008

More On Barack Obama's Anti-American Mentor

Here's more on Barack Obama's tirelessly anti-American pastor from the Wall Street Journal. Really incredible stuff...made more so by how little media coverage there has been. Compare the MSM's silence on the reprehensible views of Obama's close mentor of 20 years with the recent (and extensive) coverage of "anti-Catholic" John Hagee's endorsement of John McCain.

At any rate, I'm convinced that if the American public knew the beliefs of Barack Obama's church, the church he has attended for 20 years, the church to which he has given the most of his charitable giving, the bloom would be off the rose of Obama-mania.

But the MSM may never get round to telling them. So, it's up to us.

Again, do check out the WSJ piece. And the sources I cited yesterday. And, oh yes, this ABC News story. They are all must-reading.