The article attempts to paint the Congress and others sounding the alarm about the coming demographic winter as concerned only with preserving the white majority of Europe and the United States.
This is ironic, in that the population-control movement (to which The Nation subscribes) was started by Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood), who saw birth control and abortion as ways to depress the non-white population (whom Sanger described as the “genetically unfit”)...
Carlson continued: “Tellingly, there isn’t a single statistic in Joyce’s ad hominem attack – which leaves the impression that demographic winter is a manufactured crisis, used to play on fears of the Western world to build support for the natural family.”
In fact, worldwide, birthrates have declined by 50% in the last half-century. With a birthrate of 1.3 (versus 2.1 to replace current population), clearly, Europe is in serious trouble. But so are Africa, Asia and the Middle East – as phenomenon to which we regularly refer. While still at above replacement level, one of the greatest declines in fertility has been in Iran.
Carlson concluded: “The anti-family left, of which The Nation is an integral part, simply seems to be terrified of our success at building a multi-racial, multi-denominational pro-family alliance.”
(Source: World Congress of Families Press Release, Feb. 15)