Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Gennifer Flowers: Hillary's New Pal?

Yes, she has committed adultery with Hillary Clinton's husband and yes, she has even sued Hillary Clinton for defamation of character, but what's past is past.

Gennifer Flowers is now leaning towards supporting Hillary Clinton for President.

You remember Gennifer, don't you? She first emerged on the public stage during Bill Clinton's 1992 Presidential election campaign with claims that she had enjoyed a twelve-year affair with him. Clinton denied it. However, she held a press conference in which she played embarrassing tape recordings of phone calls with Clinton. Hillary, according to pattern, hit the MSM trail, vociferously denying Flowers' story even though the tapes seemed to prove otherwise and at least two Arkansas state police officers who had formerly guarded Clinton when he was Governor backed up Flowers' story.

Nevertheless, this is the Clintons we're talking about. The media gave them a free and complete pass. Sure, under the heat of the impeachment process, Bill eventually admitted he had lied but claimed that, aw shucks, there had only been one sexual encounter between he and Flowers anyway.

Since those days, Gennifer Flowers' life has been a strange and tawdry one with failed books, failed lawsuits, a failed cabaret act, a failed career as a columnist, a nude layout in Penthouse, and even playing guest timekeeper for professional wrestling (see the accompanying photo). You would think she wouldn't want anything to do with the people who so soiled her existence.

However, Gennifer Flowers is attracted to Hillary Clinton as her choice for the next President, perhaps because both of them share a dedication to legal abortion.

Flowers told an AP reporter that she has has longed to see a woman in the White House. "I can't help but want to support my own gender, and she's as experienced as any of the others - except maybe Joe Biden. I would love to see a woman president, I just didn't think it would be her."