Monday, December 10, 2007

Ben Stein on the Market, Personal Thrift, the Military Family, and More

Ben Stein has some sage investment advice, much of it gleaned from his mistakes in the market, in this witty New York Times business news column. Well, I don't do the market and what I know about business is roughly the same as what I know about chemistry, but I do know that Ben Stein's writing (whatever the subject) is worth reading. Below I print his thoughtful conclusion.

...Finally, this year as every year, I learn that there are a lot of people out there who are of more use to the planet than I am: my wife (the world’s best human), teachers, parents of autistic children, firefighters, nurses, doctors, police officers, social workers, the incredible superstars of the military and, most of all, their families.

I WILL say it until the day I die: the military family is the marrow in the backbone of America. And if it seems that I am too upset about financial fraud, I would just like to say that I often cannot sleep at night seething that men and women are giving their lives for us in faraway places while at home their country is being plundered by men in $3,000 suits who get multimillion-dollar severances when they are caught.

How many military families lost homes because of predatory lending? I know of at least two, and that’s just in my little world. My resolution for 2008 is to keep on plugging for those “little people” who are a lot bigger than the hucksters on Wall Street. And to stop being such an extravagant fool myself.