Thursday, November 15, 2007

Will We Win in Iraq...Before the Democrats Force Us to Lose?

Investor's Business Daily has a potent editorial I think you should check out. It begins...

The way things are going in Iraq, the war just might be won before the Democrats can get around to forcing a surrender or cutting off funding.

After promising voters to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, they have forced 40 votes, according to, on bills restricting deployments to or forcing a pullout from Iraq. They lost on all 40.

Their latest attempt, ignoring the good news from Iraq, was to attach a pullout mandate for as soon as December 2008 to a funding request for 2008 for Iraq. Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania says they are merely doing the public's bidding and that "the public wants the war over with."

What the public wants, we submit, is not to lose this war or any other. The general dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq was not due to the fact that we were waging it, but that we didn't appear to be making much progress. Gen. Petraeus' surge has changed all that...