We just returned from an incredible evening out with friends. And not just any friends, but friends who we have shared many intense years of pro-life ministry, including sidewalk counseling, CPC work, and other educational and intercessory efforts too numerous to recount.
This occasion was a very moving one. We saw "Bella." We knew it was coming and some of us knew a little bit about the movie's subject matter but none of us were prepared for the strength of its impact.
"Bella" is a well-written, well-acted and exceptionally well-crafted film. The combination of Spanish and English among the characters living in New York gave a realistic and interesting feel to the movie as did some intriguing camera angles, right-on dialogue, the use of the city backdrop, and the unusual splicing of flashback scenes into the developing action. By such skilled techniques, the film makers conveyed a touching, joyful message to the audience without being heavy-handed or trite in any way. Very impressive.
"Bella" was a film that portrayed very authentic characters experiencing real dilemmas but yet finding genuine solutions through engagements with family, friends and, by persuasive yet understated means, with God.
I guess one of the most compelling things about the movie to me were that the characters in this film were responsibly, joyfully pro-life in the very same ways that we 11 friends sitting in the theater have tried to be -- people who really love life; people who have made offers of help to others and really meant it; people who have sacrificed much to stand by women in unexpected pregnancies; people who have never swayed from their duties to live out the practical truths arising from their Christianity.
"Bella" is a movie well worth seeing. You'll find it very moving, very entertaining, very thoughtful, and very uplifting. You'll also find it of truly remarkable quality as cinematic art.
And, oh yes; I encourage you to see it as we did with a few good friends. That will only intensify your experience.
Thanks then to Andrea, Kevin, Kurt, John, Barb, Quint, Carol, Matt and Laura for joining Denny and I Saturday night. What a memorable pleasure!