Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bill Requiring California Schools to Promote "Homosexual Education" Sent to Governor's Desk

A marathon legislative session on Tuesday resulted in the passage of two companion bills out of the California Legislature that a pro-family lobbyist says will turn the state's public schools into "social and sexual indoctrination centers." The two bills, which will force homosexual education and promotion in schools and monitor against any alleged harassment of homosexuality, are now on their way to the governor's desk.

SB 777, sponsored by State Senator Sheila Kuhl, makes provision for including positive portrayal of homosexuality, bi-sexuality, transgenderism and all related lifestyles, practices, and actions into textbooks, instructional materials, and school-sponsored activities. AB 394, sponsored by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, provides educational materials to teachers, students, and parents, and monitors possible "harassment" of homosexuality in the schools.

Karen England of Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) says the legislative push on these measures was expected from liberal Democrats this session, but not to the extent of suspending procedural rules and avoiding public debate -- including the normal three days in each legislative chamber.

"They did away with the three days in the Senate, the three days in the Assembly," England explains. "It was heard one day, then heard the next day, and then it's to the governor's desk. They forced them through ... before people really had any sort of full debate on them. That is how desperate they are to force this on the people of California."...
(Source: OneNewsNow)