That's pretty strong stuff -- and because those remarks were made this week at Camp David, one might think they were uttered by President Bush. However, they were spoken by Britain's new prime minister, Gordon Brown, who the international media believe has reservations about the war in Iraq. But on the substance of the big question, it seems as if the U.S./British "special relationship" is still solid. "He gets it," President Bush said of the prime minister's stance on terrorism. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the masters of the media.
For nearly two years, the potentates of the press have been slavishly following liberal dogma and telling us that the war in Iraq is all but lost, that the region will never embrace democracy and that young Americans serving there are dying needlessly. Even before the troop surge was underway, they were telling us that it wouldn't work. And since the final contingent of 28,500 additional troops arrived in theater two months ago, most members of the Fourth Estate have tried to persuade us that it has failed. Some of them may even believe it, but that doesn't make it true...
Good stuff from Oliver North. Read the rest of his Town Hall column here.