A study conducted by a researcher at the University of Maryland shows that legalized abortion has led to higher rates of crime and increased murder rates. The occured because a higher percentage of children grew up in single-parent homes during the years following Roe v. Wade. The findings have been published in the April 2007 issue of the academic journal Economic Inquiry and are part of a new book written by researcher John R. Lott.
According to Lott, the high court's decision ultimately resulted in more out-of-wedlock births, a reduction in the number of children adopted and fewer married parents. "Those are contradictory directions," the economist told the Cybercast News Service in an interview. "What ties them together is liberalized abortion rules." Lott said those results produced by Roe "affected decisions on premarital sex and careful contraception. It's a matter of economics. When something seems less costly, there's more of it..."
Of course, even more obvious a relationship between legalized abortion and violent crime is the general cheapening of human life that the former teaches a society. If the most innocent of us doesn't deserve to be respected and protected -- if, indeed, the Supreme Court, the politicians, the newspapers, the TV anchormen, and the Hollywood stars insist that there is no intrinsic value, no spiritual worth of a human life, then what's the big deal if I pull the trigger and stop the beating heart of the fellow next door?
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