Barack Obama's recent pronouncements on foreign policy would be frightening if they weren't so ridiculous. In just the past few weeks, the junior senator from Illinois has said genocide would be an acceptable outcome in Iraq, said he would never consider using nuclear weapons under any circumstances, and promised to hold summit meetings with the rulers of every rogue state under the sun, while threatening to invade a difficult ally.
But a dark horse candidate has emerged in the Democratic comedy stakes, and it isn't even Mike Gravel. From Reuters:
Democratic presidential candidate Chris Dodd, a senator from Connecticut, also criticized Obama, saying that over the last several days, "Senator Obama's assertions about foreign and military affairs have been, frankly, confusing and confused. He has made threats he should not make and made unwise categorical statements about military options."
"We are facing a dangerous and complicated world. The next president will require a level of understanding and judgment unprecedented in American history to address these challenges," Dodd said.
"We are facing a dangerous and complicated world. The next president will require a level of understanding and judgment unprecedented in American history to address these challenges," Dodd said.
If we give Dodd's statement the most reasonable interpretation, he is admitting that he himself is not up to the job of being the next president. The alternative reading is that he is claiming that he--Chris Dodd!--has "a level of understanding and judgment unprecedented in American history."
Either way, it is probably the funniest statement anyone has yet uttered in this interminable campaign.
Either way, it is probably the funniest statement anyone has yet uttered in this interminable campaign.