Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Presidential Monkeyshines: Does a Nominee's Position on Evolution Really Matter?

You remember the question asked during the first Republican debate, "I'm curious. Is there anyone on this stage that does not believe in evolution?" The responses, particularly of the three who raised their hands, provided the MSM their headlines for the next day. But was it a relevant question? Does it really matter if our Chief Executive believes that men came from the slime of time or rather from a personal God who endowed him with certain unalienable rights?

Over at the blog Intelligent Design: The Future, Discovery Institute policy analyst Logan Gage gives a few striking answers to these questions in a 5-minute podcast entitled, "Politics, Evolution, and the American People." Gage maintains that American political figures can and should encourage a spirit of openness on evolution and other topics in the scientific community.

Very interesting stuff. So zip on over to this page and hit the little green button at the bottom left of the post to listen to the podcast.